Curtin University and the Western Australia School of Mines Welcomes CFCC Researchers

April 18, 2023
Professor Neal Sullivan and Ph.D. candidate Charlie Meisel of the Colorado Fuel Cell Center are visiting the Western Australia School of Mines (WASM) at Curtin University. The two are being hosted by John Curtin Distinguished Professor Zongping Shao and his Curtin research team over the first half of 2023. Both the CFCC and the WASM research groups share core competency in materials development for green-hydrogen production. Charlie is working directly with WASM Ph.D. students and research staff to develop novel high-entropy perovskite materials to serve as steam electrodes for high-efficiency solid-oxide electrolyzers. These new materials have promise for boosting durability of next-generation fuel cells, electrolyzers, and membrane reactors. Prof. Sullivan is engaging WASM faculty to develop collaborations with the many mining companies located in Western Australia, including BHP and Fortescue Metals Group. Prof. Sullivan was named the 2023 Fulbright Scholar in Resources and Energy at Curtin to support his six-month sabbatical. This research exchange builds on shared values of the Colorado and Western Australia Schools of Mines; both schools have maintained their commitments to stewardship of our natural resources, making for natural partners with mutual ambitions to promote sustainable growth for the communities of both countries.